Pax Imperia (Imperial Peace)

I am just moving my timeline to this site from the .com I will Update both at the same time though so I have a backup in case something happens to this one or to that one.

UPDATE: I've started to add labels to the map changed the borders in Savoy and Nice and Sudan and have written a general description for the 60 states will post it soon
untitled (11).png
Massive update finished writing backgrounds for German Patagonia and the Kingdom of Germania I've also updated the provinces of the Russian Empire labeled Canadas borders I've also given Sudan to brain and fixed Italian east africas borders and probably more but I've just forgotten I probably will have to censor stuff if I post it on the .com but i might just post it there and see what happens

Massive update finished writing backgrounds for German Patagonia and the Kingdom of Germania I've also updated the provinces of the Russian Empire labeled Canadas borders I've also given Sudan to brain and fixed Italian east africas borders and probably more but I've just forgotten I probably will have to censor stuff if I post it on the .com but i might just post it there and see what happens

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I see a bigger United States and I'm :). I don't see my home state and I'm :(. What is this map for anyway? An online roleplaying game or something? At any rate it looks good so far.
I see a bigger United States and I'm :). I don't see my home state and I'm :(. What is this map for anyway? An online roleplaying game or something? At any rate it looks good so far.
Whats your homestate? the map is like a random thing I've been working on for the past 2 years I might make it a roleplaying game but doubt it and TY
MAJOR UPDATE ive done a lot of work on this map for the past months I've updated the provinces of Australia South Africa Russia Mexico and the Imperial Federation is now like the German Empire with Kingdoms inside one Empire now there's the Kingdoms of Sudan Canada Austrlia South Africa Rhodesia East Africa I've also started working on India and the dominion of Aryania which is now gone idk what I'm going to with India yet either make it a independent Kingdom under a British King or Modern day borders or split it up more I might make Pakistan bigger Ive also updated The 2nd Mexican Empire to have its province that Maximillian requested be made I had to look at maps of central America to make the provinces based on Geography which I've read at the Wikipedia what the provinces were based on. I also made the map bigger to fit more stuff but ill fix that soon I also made a Manchuko which I may or may not keep, fixed provinces of Poland Hungary, Belarus is no longer around Peru and Bolivia are now parts of the Spanish Empire (witch has a German King) Philippines is a mixed race like latin America and a Spanish puppet state. indonsia is split into 2 states one is a dutch ruled indonsia with Indonsians one is a dutch rules indonsia with Dutch people and Indos Vietnam will be labeled soon its a French Puppet Federation thing.

MAP: untitled (98).png
Whats your homestate? the map is like a random thing I've been working on for the past 2 years I might make it a roleplaying game but doubt it and TY
I'm from West Virginia. The map appears to have it remain a part of Virginia which is fine but it nevertheless sucks that in this world my home state doesn't exist. Is there a reason for this or did you simply just opt to keep it a part of Virginia?
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I'm from West Virginia. The map appears to have it remain a part of Virginia which is fine but it nevertheless sucks that in this world my home state doesn't exist. Is there a reason for this or did you simply just opt to keep it a part of Virginia?
there was no Civil war and i don't know another POD for it to exist sadly
there was no Civil war and i don't know another POD for it to exist sadly
It isn't like there isn't a precedent of breaking up existing states to form new ones. We did so for the state of Maine when we broke it off from the state of Massachusetts. But as you said there was no civil war does that mean slavery was ended without a war or does it still exist in this world?

Also, what would the year be for this map? I'm not really into the history of other nations so it isn't like I could make a meaningful guess with what is here so far. I'm going to guess 1800-1900s.